Commit 2023-10-18 16:31 813c10ab

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chore: remove Nat.bitwise' (#7451) Building upon the proof that Nat.bitwise and Nat.bitwise' are equal (from #7410), this PR completely removes bitwise' and changes all uses to bitwise instead. In particular, land'/lor'/lxor' are replaced with the bitwise-based equivalent operations in core, which have overriden optimized implementations in the compiler.

Estimated changes

modified theorem Int.bitwise_diff
modified theorem Int.bitwise_xor
modified theorem Int.bodd_add
modified theorem Int.bodd_subNatNat
modified theorem Int.ldiff_bit
modified theorem Int.lxor_bit
modified theorem Int.testBit_ldiff
modified theorem Int.testBit_lxor
added theorem Nat.bit_mod_two
added theorem Nat.bit_ne_zero_iff
deleted theorem Nat.bitwise'_bit'
deleted theorem Nat.bitwise'_comm
deleted theorem Nat.bitwise'_eq_bitwise
deleted theorem Nat.bitwise'_of_ne_zero
deleted theorem Nat.bitwise'_swap
deleted theorem Nat.bitwise'_zero_right
added theorem Nat.bitwise_bit'
added theorem Nat.bitwise_comm
added theorem Nat.bitwise_swap
deleted theorem'_assoc
deleted theorem'_comm
deleted theorem'_eq_land
deleted theorem'_zero
added theorem Nat.land_assoc
added theorem Nat.land_comm
added theorem Nat.land_zero
added theorem Nat.ldiff_bit
deleted theorem Nat.lor'_assoc
deleted theorem Nat.lor'_comm
deleted theorem Nat.lor'_eq_lor
deleted theorem Nat.lor'_zero
added theorem Nat.lor_assoc
added theorem Nat.lor_comm
added theorem Nat.lor_zero
deleted theorem Nat.lt_lxor'_cases
added theorem Nat.lt_xor_cases
deleted theorem Nat.lxor'_assoc
deleted theorem Nat.lxor'_cancel_left
deleted theorem Nat.lxor'_comm
deleted theorem Nat.lxor'_eq_zero
deleted theorem Nat.lxor'_left_inj
deleted theorem Nat.lxor'_left_injective
deleted theorem Nat.lxor'_ne_zero
deleted theorem Nat.lxor'_right_inj
deleted theorem Nat.lxor'_right_injective
deleted theorem Nat.lxor'_self
deleted theorem Nat.lxor'_trichotomy
deleted theorem Nat.lxor'_zero
deleted theorem Nat.lxor_bit
modified theorem Nat.lxor_cancel_right
added theorem Nat.testBit_bitwise
added theorem Nat.testBit_land
added theorem Nat.testBit_ldiff
added theorem Nat.testBit_lor
added theorem Nat.testBit_xor
deleted theorem Nat.xor'_eq_xor
added theorem Nat.xor_assoc
added theorem Nat.xor_bit
added theorem Nat.xor_cancel_left
added theorem Nat.xor_comm
added theorem Nat.xor_eq_zero
added theorem Nat.xor_left_inj
added theorem Nat.xor_left_injective
added theorem Nat.xor_ne_zero
added theorem Nat.xor_right_inj
added theorem Nat.xor_self
added theorem Nat.xor_trichotomy
added theorem Nat.xor_zero
deleted theorem Nat.zero_land'
added theorem Nat.zero_land
deleted theorem Nat.zero_lor'
added theorem Nat.zero_lor
deleted theorem Nat.zero_lxor'
added theorem Nat.zero_xor
deleted theorem Num.bitwise'_to_nat
added theorem Num.bitwise_to_nat
deleted theorem'_to_nat
added theorem Num.land_to_nat
deleted theorem Num.ldiff'_to_nat
added theorem Num.ldiff_to_nat
deleted theorem Num.lor'_to_nat
added theorem Num.lor_to_nat
deleted theorem Num.lxor'_to_nat
added theorem Num.lxor_to_nat
deleted def Nat.bitwise'
deleted theorem Nat.bitwise'_bit
deleted theorem Nat.bitwise'_bit_aux
deleted theorem Nat.bitwise'_zero
deleted theorem Nat.bitwise'_zero_left
deleted def'
deleted theorem'_bit
deleted def Nat.ldiff'
deleted theorem Nat.ldiff'_bit
added def Nat.ldiff
deleted def Nat.lor'
deleted theorem Nat.lor'_bit
deleted def Nat.lxor'
deleted theorem Nat.lxor'_bit
deleted theorem Nat.testBit_bitwise'
deleted theorem Nat.testBit_land'
deleted theorem Nat.testBit_ldiff'
deleted theorem Nat.testBit_lor'
deleted theorem Nat.testBit_lxor'