Commit 2023-12-09 13:26 818337c6

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feat: Finsets and multisets are graded (#8892) Characterise IsAtom, IsCoatom, Covby in Set α, Multiset α, Finset α and deduce that Multiset α, Finset α are graded orders. Note I am moving some existing characterisations to here because it makes sense thematically, but I could be convinced otherwise.

Estimated changes

added theorem IsAtom.le_iff_eq
added theorem IsCoatom.le_iff_eq
modified theorem Set.isAtom_iff
added theorem isAtom_compl
deleted theorem isAtom_iff
added theorem isAtom_iff_le_of_ge
added theorem isCoatom_compl
deleted theorem isCoatom_iff
added theorem isCoatom_iff_ge_of_le