Commit 2024-05-15 17:20 830a482b

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chore: Remove algebra imports to Data.Fin.Basic (#12862) Move the algebraic instance on Fin n from Data.Fin.Basic to a new file Algebra.Group.Fin. I credit Yakov for The one bit of algebra that is still imported in Data.Fin.Basic is NeZero. This is in prevision of its future upstreaming to Batteries or Std.

Estimated changes

deleted theorem Fin.coe_sub_one
deleted theorem Fin.le_sub_one_iff
deleted theorem Fin.lt_sub_one_iff
added theorem Fin.natCast_def
deleted theorem Fin.neg_last
deleted theorem Fin.neg_natCast_eq_one
deleted theorem Fin.sub_one_lt_iff