Commit 2023-11-24 22:08 83613d27

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refactor(CategoryTheory/Sites): continuous functors (#8408) This PR introduces the typeclass Functor.IsContinuous which says that the precomposition with a functor preserves the sheaf condition for Grothendieck topologies. It slightly refactors the previous main theorem about CoverPreserving and CompatiblePreserving functors: it now states that such functors are continuous. The pushforward functor for a continuous functor is defined under the Functor.IsContinuous assumption rather than the combination of both CoverPreserving and CompatiblePreserving. The property CoverLifting is renamed IsCocontinuous and it is made a class. The property IsCoverDense is also made a class.

Estimated changes

deleted structure CategoryTheory.CoverLifting
deleted structure CategoryTheory.CoverDense