Commit 2023-09-10 18:23 83d7426b

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refactor(Data/Int/Bitwise): use <<< and >>> notation (#6789) The lemma names have changed to use shiftLeft and shiftRight to match the new Nat names.

Estimated changes

added theorem Int.one_shiftLeft
deleted theorem Int.one_shiftl
added theorem Int.shiftLeft_add
added theorem Int.shiftLeft_coe_nat
added theorem Int.shiftLeft_neg
added theorem Int.shiftLeft_negSucc
added theorem Int.shiftLeft_sub
added theorem Int.shiftRight_add
added theorem Int.shiftRight_coe_nat
added theorem Int.shiftRight_neg
added theorem Int.shiftRight_negSucc
deleted theorem Int.shiftl_add
deleted theorem Int.shiftl_coe_nat
deleted theorem Int.shiftl_eq_mul_pow
deleted theorem Int.shiftl_neg
deleted theorem Int.shiftl_negSucc
deleted theorem Int.shiftl_sub
deleted theorem Int.shiftr_add
deleted theorem Int.shiftr_coe_nat
deleted theorem Int.shiftr_eq_div_pow
deleted theorem Int.shiftr_neg
deleted theorem Int.shiftr_negSucc
added theorem Int.zero_shiftLeft
added theorem Int.zero_shiftRight
deleted theorem Int.zero_shiftl
deleted theorem Int.zero_shiftr