Commit 2024-11-25 11:42 85ded514

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feat: extend ContDiff to take a smoothness exponent in WithTop ℕ∞ (#19442) This is mathematically not meaningful at all, since the definition of C^∞ and C^ω functions is the same in this PR. However, this opens the way to replacing the definition of C^ω with analytic in #17152. So, the current PR is just an intermediate step towards #17152, but making sure that the final diff will be smaller than the current +1280 lines changes. There is no mathematical content in the current PR: it's mostly adapting the library to provide an element of WithTop ℕ∞ when it was expecting an element of ℕ∞ before. In the locale ContDiff, we introduce two notations ω for ⊤ : WithTop ℕ∞ and for (⊤ : ℕ∞) : WithTop ℕ∞. A lot of the changes are to open the locale and use at suitable places.

Estimated changes

modified theorem ContDiff.div
modified theorem ContDiff.fderiv_apply
modified theorem ContDiff.fderiv_right
modified theorem ContDiff.inv
modified theorem ContDiffAt.fderiv_right
modified theorem ContDiffOn.div
modified theorem ContDiffOn.inv
modified theorem ContDiffWithinAt.div
modified theorem ContDiffWithinAt.inv
modified theorem Continuous.fderiv
modified theorem contDiff_single
modified theorem contDiff_update
modified theorem contDiff_zero_fun