Commit 2024-03-07 21:56 87c01ca0

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feat: Absolute value and positive parts in pi types (#10256) and a few more lemmas. From LeanAPAP

Estimated changes

added theorem Pi.leOnePart_apply
added theorem Pi.leOnePart_def
added theorem Pi.oneLePart_apply
added theorem Pi.oneLePart_def
modified theorem leOnePart_eq_inv'
modified theorem leOnePart_eq_inv
added theorem leOnePart_eq_ite
modified theorem leOnePart_eq_one'
modified theorem leOnePart_eq_one
modified theorem leOnePart_le_one'
modified theorem oneLePart_div_leOnePart
added theorem oneLePart_eq_ite
modified theorem oneLePart_eq_self
modified theorem oneLePart_mul_leOnePart
added theorem one_lt_ltOnePart
added theorem one_lt_ltOnePart_iff
added theorem one_lt_oneLePart
added theorem one_lt_oneLePart_iff