Commit 2024-01-16 02:11 87c10369

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chore(Function): rename some lemmas (#9738)

  • Merge Function.left_id and Function.comp.left_id into Function.id_comp.
  • Merge Function.right_id and Function.comp.right_id into Function.comp_id.
  • Merge Function.comp_const_right and Function.comp_const into Function.comp_const, use explicit arguments.
  • Move Function.const_comp to Mathlib.Init.Function, use explicit arguments.

Estimated changes

deleted theorem Function.comp.left_id
deleted theorem Function.comp.right_id
added theorem Function.comp_const
deleted theorem Function.comp_const_right
added theorem Function.comp_id
added theorem Function.const_comp
added theorem Function.id_comp
deleted theorem Function.left_id
deleted theorem Function.right_id