Commit 2024-06-04 14:50 925198ab

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chore: Delete Data.Int.Parity (#12904) Scatter the lemmas in Data.Int.Parity to earlier files:

  • Algebra.Group.Int
  • Algebra.Ring.Int

Estimated changes

added theorem Int.emod_two_ne_one
added theorem Int.emod_two_ne_zero
added theorem Int.even_add
added theorem Int.even_add_one
added theorem Int.even_coe_nat
added theorem Int.even_iff
added theorem Int.even_mul
added theorem Int.even_pow'
added theorem Int.even_pow
added theorem Int.even_sub
added theorem Int.even_sub_one
added theorem Int.not_even_iff
added theorem Int.not_even_one
added theorem Int.one_emod_two
added theorem Int.two_dvd_ne_zero
added theorem Int.Odd.of_mul_left
added theorem Int.Odd.of_mul_right
added theorem Int.even_add'
added theorem Int.even_iff_not_odd
added theorem Int.even_mul_pred_self
added theorem Int.even_mul_succ_self
added theorem Int.even_or_odd'
added theorem Int.even_or_odd
added theorem Int.even_sub'
added theorem Int.even_xor'_odd'
added theorem Int.even_xor'_odd
added theorem Int.natAbs_even
added theorem Int.natAbs_odd
added theorem Int.ne_of_odd_add
added theorem Int.not_even_bit1
added theorem Int.not_odd_iff
added theorem Int.odd_add'
added theorem Int.odd_add
added theorem Int.odd_coe_nat
added theorem Int.odd_iff
added theorem Int.odd_iff_not_even
added theorem Int.odd_mul
added theorem Int.odd_pow'
added theorem Int.odd_pow
added theorem Int.odd_sub'
added theorem Int.odd_sub
deleted theorem Int.Odd.of_mul_left
deleted theorem Int.Odd.of_mul_right
deleted theorem Int.emod_two_ne_one
deleted theorem Int.emod_two_ne_zero
deleted theorem Int.even_add'
deleted theorem Int.even_add
deleted theorem Int.even_add_one
deleted theorem Int.even_coe_nat
deleted theorem Int.even_iff
deleted theorem Int.even_iff_not_odd
deleted theorem Int.even_mul
deleted theorem Int.even_mul_pred_self
deleted theorem Int.even_mul_succ_self
deleted theorem Int.even_or_odd'
deleted theorem Int.even_or_odd
deleted theorem Int.even_pow'
deleted theorem Int.even_pow
deleted theorem Int.even_sub'
deleted theorem Int.even_sub
deleted theorem Int.even_sub_one
deleted theorem Int.even_xor'_odd'
deleted theorem Int.even_xor'_odd
deleted theorem Int.isCompl_even_odd
deleted theorem Int.natAbs_even
deleted theorem Int.natAbs_odd
deleted theorem Int.ne_of_odd_add
deleted theorem Int.not_even_bit1
deleted theorem Int.not_even_iff
deleted theorem Int.not_even_one
deleted theorem Int.not_odd_iff
deleted theorem Int.odd_add'
deleted theorem Int.odd_add
deleted theorem Int.odd_coe_nat
deleted theorem Int.odd_iff
deleted theorem Int.odd_iff_not_even
deleted theorem Int.odd_mul
deleted theorem Int.odd_pow'
deleted theorem Int.odd_pow
deleted theorem Int.odd_sub'
deleted theorem Int.odd_sub
deleted theorem Int.one_emod_two
deleted theorem Int.two_dvd_ne_zero