Commit 2023-11-15 13:53 9772ef6b

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feat: Monovariance under algebraic operations (#7648) Prove a bunch of results relating monovary to algebraic operations in ordered groups.

Estimated changes

added theorem Antivary.div_left
added theorem Antivary.div_left₀
added theorem Antivary.div_right
added theorem Antivary.div_right₀
added theorem Antivary.mul_left
added theorem Antivary.mul_left₀
added theorem Antivary.mul_right
added theorem Antivary.mul_right₀
added theorem Antivary.pow_left
added theorem Antivary.pow_left₀
added theorem Antivary.pow_right
added theorem Antivary.pow_right₀
added theorem AntivaryOn.div_left
added theorem AntivaryOn.div_left₀
added theorem AntivaryOn.div_right
added theorem AntivaryOn.mul_left
added theorem AntivaryOn.mul_left₀
added theorem AntivaryOn.mul_right
added theorem AntivaryOn.pow_left
added theorem AntivaryOn.pow_left₀
added theorem AntivaryOn.pow_right
added theorem Monovary.div_left
added theorem Monovary.div_left₀
added theorem Monovary.div_right
added theorem Monovary.div_right₀
added theorem Monovary.mul_left
added theorem Monovary.mul_left₀
added theorem Monovary.mul_right
added theorem Monovary.mul_right₀
added theorem Monovary.pow_left
added theorem Monovary.pow_left₀
added theorem Monovary.pow_right
added theorem Monovary.pow_right₀
added theorem MonovaryOn.div_left
added theorem MonovaryOn.div_left₀
added theorem MonovaryOn.div_right
added theorem MonovaryOn.mul_left
added theorem MonovaryOn.mul_left₀
added theorem MonovaryOn.mul_right
added theorem MonovaryOn.pow_left
added theorem MonovaryOn.pow_left₀
added theorem MonovaryOn.pow_right
added theorem antivaryOn_inv
added theorem antivaryOn_inv_left
added theorem antivaryOn_inv_left₀
added theorem antivaryOn_inv_right
added theorem antivaryOn_inv₀
added theorem antivary_inv
added theorem antivary_inv_left
added theorem antivary_inv_left₀
added theorem antivary_inv_right
added theorem antivary_inv_right₀
added theorem antivary_inv₀
added theorem monovaryOn_inv
added theorem monovaryOn_inv_left
added theorem monovaryOn_inv_left₀
added theorem monovaryOn_inv_right
added theorem monovaryOn_inv₀
added theorem monovary_inv
added theorem monovary_inv_left
added theorem monovary_inv_left₀
added theorem monovary_inv_right
added theorem monovary_inv_right₀
added theorem monovary_inv₀