Commit 2024-03-28 10:26 9a3feeae

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change the order of operation in zsmulRec and nsmulRec (#11451) We change the following field in the definition of an additive commutative monoid:

 nsmul_succ : ∀ (n : ℕ) (x : G),
-  AddMonoid.nsmul (n + 1) x = x + AddMonoid.nsmul n x
+  AddMonoid.nsmul (n + 1) x = AddMonoid.nsmul n x + x

where the latter is more natural We adjust the definitions of ^ in monoids, groups, etc. Originally there was a warning comment about why this natural order was preferred

use x * npowRec n x and not npowRec n x * x in the definition to make sure that definitional unfolding of npowRec is blocked, to avoid deep recursion issues. but it seems to no longer apply. Remarks on the PR :

  • pow_succ and pow_succ' have switched their meanings.
  • Most of the time, the proofs were adjusted by priming/unpriming one lemma, or exchanging left and right; a few proofs were more complicated to adjust.
  • In particular, [Mathlib/NumberTheory/RamificationInertia.lean] used Ideal.IsPrime.mul_mem_pow which is defined in [Mathlib/RingTheory/DedekindDomain/Ideal.lean]. Changing the order of operation forced me to add the symmetric lemma Ideal.IsPrime.mem_pow_mul.
  • the docstring for Cauchy condensation test in [Mathlib/Analysis/PSeries.lean] was mathematically incorrect, I added the mention that the function is antitone.

Estimated changes

modified theorem one_nsmul
modified theorem pow_one
modified theorem pow_three'
modified theorem pow_three