Commit 2021-12-18 19:21 9b4a2365

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feat: porting Data.List.Defs, Init.Data.List.Basic (#137) This ports the files:

  • Init.Data.Option.{Basic, Instances}
  • Init.Data.List.{Basic, Instances, Lemmas}
  • Data.Option.{Basic, Defs}
  • Data.List.Defs nearly in their entirety; a few definitions were skipped for missing prerequisites.
  • length' and append' were removed, since they have been upstreamed
  • Nat.min is now simp-reduced in favor of min, and existing theorems restated using min
  • Function.injective now uses {{}} arguments

Estimated changes

added theorem List.Pairwise_cons
deleted def List.append'
deleted theorem List.append'_eq_append
deleted theorem List.append_bind
added theorem List.append_inj'
added theorem List.append_inj
added theorem List.append_inj_left'
added theorem List.append_inj_left
added theorem List.append_inj_right'
added theorem List.append_inj_right
added theorem List.append_left_inj
added theorem List.append_right_inj
deleted theorem List.ball_cons
deleted theorem List.ball_nil
deleted theorem List.bex_cons
deleted theorem List.concat_eq_append'
modified theorem List.concat_eq_append
deleted theorem List.cons_bind
deleted theorem List.cons_subset_cons
deleted def List.count
deleted def List.countp
deleted def List.disjoint
deleted theorem List.drop_eq_nil_of_le'
modified theorem List.drop_eq_nil_of_le
added theorem List.eq_of_mem_repeat
deleted def List.eraseDup
modified theorem List.erase_subset
deleted def List.erasep
modified theorem List.erasep_subset
added theorem List.ext
added theorem List.ext_get
added theorem List.get?_append
added theorem List.get?_append_right
added theorem List.get?_eq_get
added theorem List.get?_eq_none_iff
added theorem List.get?_eq_some
added theorem List.get?_injective
added theorem List.get?_len_le
added theorem List.get?_map
added theorem List.get?_mem
added theorem List.get?_modifyNth
added theorem List.get?_modifyNth_eq
added theorem List.get?_modifyNth_ne
added theorem List.get?_of_mem
added theorem List.get?_set_eq
added theorem List.get?_set_ne
added theorem List.get?_set_of_lt
added theorem List.get?_zero
added theorem List.get_append
added theorem List.get_append_right
added theorem List.get_cons_length
added theorem List.get_map'
added theorem List.get_map
added theorem List.get_map_rev
added theorem List.get_mem
added theorem List.get_of_eq
added theorem List.get_of_mem
added theorem List.get_repeat
added theorem List.get_set_eq
added theorem List.get_set_ne
added theorem List.get_singleton
added theorem List.get_zero
deleted def List.insert
modified theorem List.insert_of_mem
deleted def List.isInfix
deleted def List.isPrefix
deleted def List.isSuffix
modified theorem List.join_cons
modified theorem List.join_nil
added theorem List.last_append
added theorem List.last_concat
added theorem List.last_cons
added theorem List.last_eq_get
added theorem List.last_singleton
deleted def List.length'
deleted theorem List.length'_eq_length
deleted theorem List.length_map
deleted theorem List.length_repeat
deleted theorem List.map_append
deleted theorem List.map_cons
deleted theorem List.map_id
deleted theorem List.map_map
deleted theorem List.map_nil
deleted theorem List.map_singleton
deleted def List.mem
deleted theorem List.mem_append
deleted theorem List.mem_append_eq
deleted theorem List.mem_append_left
deleted theorem List.mem_append_right
deleted theorem List.mem_cons
deleted theorem List.mem_cons_eq
deleted theorem List.mem_cons_iff
deleted theorem List.mem_cons_of_mem
deleted theorem List.mem_cons_self
modified theorem List.mem_erase_of_ne
added theorem List.mem_iff_get
added theorem List.mem_iff_get?
deleted theorem List.mem_nil
deleted theorem List.mem_nil_iff
added theorem List.mem_repeat
added theorem List.modifyNthTail_id
added theorem List.modifyNth_eq_set
deleted theorem List.nil_bind
deleted theorem List.nil_subset
deleted def List.nodup
deleted theorem List.not_bex_nil
deleted theorem List.not_mem_nil
deleted inductive List.pairwise
deleted theorem List.pairwise_cons
deleted def List.product
modified theorem List.product_spec
deleted def List.pwFilter
deleted def List.repeat
modified theorem List.repeat_succ
added theorem List.set_comm
added theorem List.set_eq_modifyNth
added theorem List.set_nil
added theorem List.set_succ
deleted theorem List.subset.refl
deleted theorem List.subset.trans
deleted theorem List.subset_append_left
deleted theorem List.subset_append_right
deleted theorem List.subset_cons
added theorem List.take_append_drop
added def List.Chain'
added inductive List.Chain
added inductive List.Forall₂
added def List.Nodup
added inductive List.Pairwise
added def List.allSome
added def List.count
added def List.countp
added def List.disjoint
added def List.eraseDup
added def List.erasep
added def List.extractp
added def List.fillNones
added def List.find
added def List.findIdxs
added def List.foldlIdx
added def List.foldlIdxAux
added def List.foldrIdx
added def List.foldrIdxAux
added def List.getRest
added def List.ilast'
added def List.indexesOf
added def List.inits
added def List.insertNth
added def List.isInfix
added def List.isPrefix
added def List.isSuffix
added def List.last'
added def List.lookmap
deleted def List.mapIdx
deleted def List.mapIdxM
added def List.map₂Left'
added def List.map₂Left
added def List.map₂Right
added def List.mmap'
added def List.mmap'Diag
added def List.mmap
added def List.mmapFilter
added def List.modifyHead
added def List.modifyLast
added def List.modifyNth
added def List.ofFn
added def List.ofFnAux
added def List.ofFnNthVal
added def List.product
added def List.pwFilter
added def List.range'
modified def List.reduceOption
added def List.revzip
added def List.rotate'
added def List.rotate
added def List.scanl
added def List.scanr
added def List.scanrAux
added def List.sections
added def List.slice
added def List.splitAt
added def List.splitOn
added def List.splitOnP
added def List.splitOnPAux
added def List.sublists'
added def List.sublists
added def List.sublistsAux
added def List.tails
added def List.takeD
added def List.takeList
added def List.toChunks
added def List.toChunksAux
added def List.transpose
added def List.zipLeft'
added def List.zipLeft
added def List.zipRight'
added def List.zipRight
added def List.zipWith₃
added def List.zipWith₄
added def List.zipWith₅
added theorem Option.ball_ne_none
added theorem Option.bex_ne_none
added theorem Option.bind_assoc
added theorem Option.bind_comm
added theorem Option.bind_eq_none
added theorem Option.bind_eq_some
added theorem Option.bind_id_eq_join
added theorem Option.bind_map_comm
added theorem Option.bind_some
added theorem Option.choice_eq
added theorem Option.comp_map
added theorem Option.elim_none
added theorem Option.elim_some
added theorem Option.ext
added theorem Option.getD_map
added theorem Option.getD_none
added theorem Option.getD_of_ne_none
added theorem Option.getD_some
added theorem Option.get_mem
added theorem Option.get_of_mem
added theorem Option.get_some
added theorem Option.guard_eq_some
added theorem Option.isNone_none
added theorem Option.isNone_some
added theorem Option.isSome_none
added theorem Option.isSome_some
added theorem Option.join_eq_some
added theorem Option.join_join
added theorem Option.join_ne_none'
added theorem Option.join_ne_none
added theorem Option.map_comp_map
added theorem Option.map_congr
added theorem Option.map_eq_map
added theorem Option.map_eq_none'
added theorem Option.map_eq_none
added theorem Option.map_eq_some'
added theorem Option.map_eq_some
added theorem Option.map_id'
added theorem Option.map_injective
added theorem Option.map_map
added theorem Option.map_none'
added theorem Option.map_none
added theorem Option.map_some'
added theorem Option.map_some
added theorem Option.mem_map_of_mem
added theorem Option.mem_of_mem_join
added theorem Option.mem_unique
added theorem Option.none_bind
added theorem Option.none_orelse
added theorem Option.not_isSome
added theorem Option.not_mem_none
added theorem Option.orelse_none
added theorem Option.some_bind
added theorem Option.some_get
added theorem Option.some_injective
added theorem Option.some_ne_none
added theorem Option.some_orelse
added theorem Option.to_list_none
added theorem Option.to_list_some
added def Option.guard
added def Option.join
added def Option.maybe.{u,
added def Option.melim
added theorem Option.mem_def
added theorem Option.mem_iff
added theorem Option.mem_toList
added def Option.mgetD
added def Option.mmap.{u,
added def Option.pbind
added def Option.pmap
added inductive Option.rel
added theorem Option.some_inj
added def Option.toList
added def List.after
added def
added def List.bor
added def List.findIdx
added def List.indexOf
added def List.insert
added def List.last!
added def List.last
added def List.mapIdx
added def List.mapIdxAux
added def List.mapIdxM
added def List.mem
added theorem List.mem_cons
added theorem List.mem_nil
added def List.removeNth
added def List.repeat
added def List.tail
added theorem List.append_bind
added theorem List.append_eq_append
added theorem List.ball_cons
added theorem List.ball_nil
added theorem List.bex_cons
added theorem List.cons_bind
added theorem List.cons_subset_cons
added theorem List.length_drop
added theorem List.length_map
added theorem List.length_map₂
added theorem List.length_removeNth
added theorem List.length_repeat
added theorem List.length_tail
added theorem List.length_take
added theorem List.length_take_le
added theorem List.map_append
added theorem List.map_cons
added theorem List.map_id
added theorem List.map_map
added theorem List.map_nil
added theorem List.map_singleton
added theorem List.mem_append
added theorem List.mem_append_eq
added theorem List.mem_append_left
added theorem List.mem_append_right
added theorem List.mem_cons_eq
added theorem List.mem_cons_of_mem
added theorem List.mem_cons_self
added theorem List.mem_nil_iff
added theorem List.nil_bind
added theorem List.nil_subset
added theorem List.not_bex_nil
added theorem List.not_mem_nil
added inductive List.sublist
added theorem List.subset.refl
added theorem List.subset.trans
added theorem List.subset_cons