Commit 2022-11-28 22:26 9dbb2a0b

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feat: port linarith (#526) TODO:

  • Before merge
  • fix a bug in linarith in mathlib3 I just found ...
  • depends on: #519
  • style lint
  • docs
  • move theory stubs to a separate PR, for easier tracking: #733
  • failing to parse the LinarithConfig option
  • Before or after merge?
  • Implement the removeNe preprocessor.
  • Add support for restricting to a single type. How to store a Type in LinarithConfig?
  • After merge
  • Teach norm_num to solve example [LinearOrderedRing α] : (0 : α) < 37 := by norm_num.
  • Port zify_proof (plumbing for zify), and add the natToInt preprocessor. Mostly done now, but see #741 before all the tests will work.
  • Port cancel_denoms tactic, and add the cancelDenoms preprocessor.
  • Add the nlinarith preprocessor and front-end syntax.

Estimated changes

added theorem Linarith.lt_irrefl
added theorem Linarith.mul_eq
added theorem Linarith.mul_neg
added theorem Linarith.mul_nonpos
added theorem le_zero_of_zero_ge
added theorem lt_zero_of_zero_gt
added theorem neg_neg_of_pos
added theorem neg_nonpos_of_nonneg
added theorem sub_neg_of_lt
added theorem sub_nonpos_of_le
added theorem zero_lt_one