Commit 2022-10-24 15:16 9efcb950

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feat: port Logic/Basic (#484) Two reasons to get this out of the way:

  • it's at the root of all our (non-tactic) import trees, so blocking almost everything
  • it's more complicated than most other things, because it contains a partial port of the mathlib3 content, but so does Std4 I've attempted to make sure everything from mathlib3's logic.basic is here, unless it is already in Std4. Additionally I've replaced some definitions with aliases. Thanks for @javra's work on this. Discussion of this PR is ongoing on zulip.

Estimated changes

added theorem And.exists
added theorem BAll.imp_left
added theorem BAll.imp_right
added theorem BEx.elim
added theorem BEx.imp_left
added theorem BEx.imp_right
added theorem BEx.intro
deleted theorem Ball.imp_left
deleted theorem Ball.imp_right
added theorem Classical.some_spec₂
modified theorem Decidable.eq_or_ne
modified theorem Decidable.ne_or_eq
added theorem Eq.congr_left
added theorem Eq.congr_right
added theorem Exists.fst
added theorem Exists.snd
added theorem ExistsUnique.elim₂
deleted theorem ExistsUnique.exists
added theorem ExistsUnique.exists₂
added theorem ExistsUnique.intro2
added theorem ExistsUnique.unique2
added theorem Exists₂.imp
added theorem Exists₃.imp
added theorem Fact.elim
added def Function.swap₂
deleted theorem Iff.not
modified theorem Iff.not_left
modified theorem Iff.not_right
added theorem Imp.swap
added theorem Ne.ne_or_ne
modified theorem Or.elim3
added theorem PLift.down_inj
added theorem PLift.down_injective
added theorem ULift.down_inj
added theorem ULift.down_injective
added theorem and_forall_ne
modified theorem and_iff_not_or_not
added theorem apply_dite₂
added theorem apply_ite₂
added theorem ball_and_distrib
added theorem ball_cond_comm
added theorem ball_congr
added theorem ball_mem_comm
added theorem ball_of_forall
added theorem ball_or_left
added theorem ball_true_iff
added theorem bex_congr
added theorem bex_def
added theorem bex_eq_left
added theorem bex_imp
added theorem bex_of_exists
added theorem bex_or
added theorem bex_or_left
modified theorem by_contradiction
added theorem cast_cast
added theorem cast_eq_iff_heq
added theorem congr_arg_heq
added theorem congr_arg_refl
added theorem congr_fun_congr_arg
added theorem congr_fun_rfl
added theorem congr_fun₂
added theorem congr_fun₃
added theorem congr_heq
added theorem congr_refl_left
added theorem congr_refl_right
added theorem dite_apply
added theorem dite_dite_comm
added theorem dite_eq_iff'
added theorem dite_eq_iff
added theorem dite_eq_ite
added theorem dite_eq_left_iff
added theorem dite_eq_or_eq
added theorem dite_eq_right_iff
added theorem dite_ne_left_iff
added theorem dite_ne_right_iff
added theorem eq_equivalence
added theorem eq_iff_eq_cancel_left
added theorem eq_iff_eq_cancel_right
added theorem eq_mp_eq_cast
added theorem eq_mpr_eq_cast
modified theorem eq_or_ne
added theorem eq_true_eq_id
added theorem exists_apply_eq_apply'
added theorem exists_comm
added theorem exists_const
added theorem exists_eq_right'
added theorem exists_exists_eq_and
added theorem exists_iff_of_forall
added theorem exists_of_bex
added theorem exists_or_eq_left'
added theorem exists_or_eq_left
added theorem exists_or_eq_right'
added theorem exists_or_eq_right
added theorem exists_prop_congr'
added theorem exists_prop_congr
added theorem exists_prop_of_false
added theorem exists_prop_of_true
added theorem exists_swap
added theorem exists_true_left
added theorem exists_unique_const
added theorem exists_unique_eq'
added theorem exists_unique_eq
added theorem exists_unique_false
added theorem exists_unique_prop
added theorem exists₂_comm
added theorem fact_iff
added theorem forall_exists_index
added theorem forall_of_ball
added theorem forall_or_left
added theorem forall_or_of_or_forall
added theorem forall_prop_congr'
added theorem forall_prop_congr
added theorem forall_true_iff'
modified theorem forall_true_iff
added theorem forall_true_left
added theorem forall₂_imp
added theorem forall₂_swap
added theorem forall₂_true_iff
added theorem forall₃_imp
added theorem forall₃_true_iff
added theorem funext₂
added theorem funext₃
added theorem heq_of_cast_eq
modified theorem iff_iff_and_or_not_and_not
modified theorem iff_iff_not_or_and_or_not
modified theorem iff_mpr_iff_true_intro
modified theorem iff_not_comm
added theorem imp_forall_iff
modified theorem imp_iff_not_or
added theorem imp_or'
added theorem imp_or
deleted theorem imp_or_distrib'
deleted theorem imp_or_distrib
added theorem ite_and
added theorem ite_apply
added theorem ite_eq_iff'
added theorem ite_eq_iff
added theorem ite_eq_left_iff
added theorem ite_eq_or_eq
added theorem ite_eq_right_iff
added theorem ite_ite_comm
added theorem ite_ne_left_iff
added theorem ite_ne_right_iff
added theorem ne_of_apply_ne
modified theorem ne_or_eq
deleted theorem not_and_distrib
modified theorem not_and_not_right
added theorem not_and_or
added theorem not_ball
added theorem not_ball_of_bex_not
added theorem not_bex
added theorem not_exists_not
modified theorem not_forall
added theorem not_forall_not
modified theorem not_iff
modified theorem not_iff_comm
modified theorem not_iff_not
modified theorem not_imp_comm
modified theorem not_imp_not
modified theorem not_imp_self
modified theorem not_ne_iff
modified theorem not_or_of_imp
added theorem not_xor
modified theorem of_not_imp
deleted theorem or_congr_left'
deleted theorem or_congr_right'
modified theorem or_iff_not_and_not
modified theorem or_iff_not_imp_left
modified theorem or_iff_not_imp_right
added theorem or_not_of_imp
added theorem pi_congr
added theorem rec_heq_of_heq
added theorem xor_iff_not_iff