Commit 2023-12-18 16:03 a3e8d01e

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feat: injective bilinear pairing V→W* with V f.d. induces surjective W→V* (#8820) From the Hairer challenge

  • add flip_in/sur/bijective_iff₁₂: if either of the spaces V and W is finite-dimensional, a linear map V → W* is injective/surjective/bijective iff the flipped map W → V* is surjective/injective/bijective.
  • also add consequence for SeparatingDual from the projective space thread (cc @smorel394)
  • remove the FiniteDimensional condition from dual_finrank_eq, finrank_range_dualMap_eq_finrank_range, and dualMap_injective/bijective_iff, completing two TODO items by @kmill
  • add two lemmas toDual_injective and finite_dual_iff
  • golf several proofs in LinearAlgebra/Dual

Estimated changes