Commit 2025-02-11 10:41 a4b60df9

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chore(Data/ENNReal): restructure lemma files (#21649) This PR redoes the file structure in ENNReal in order to clean up (transitive) dependencies. Previously we had the import order Basic.lean -> Operations.lean -> Inv.lean -> Real.lean, and this PR updates it to follow Basic.lean -> Real.lean -> Order.lean -> Inv.lean -> Operations.lean. The motivation is that this order seems to follow the number of files that actually depend on declarations in each of these files. (See for example the import graph for metric spaces.) More specifically:

  • Real.lean includes lemmas on toReal that can be proven without further assumptions. (This is the bulk of previous Real.lean.)
  • Order.lean includes lemmas on monotonicity and operations applied to infinity. (This is the bulk of previous Operations.lean, and includes a bit of Real.lean.)
  • Inv.lean includes lemmas on inverses and division. (This is the bulk of previous Inv.lean, and includes a bit of Real.lean.)
  • Action.lean includes lemmas on scalar multiplication with NNReal. (This is mostly split off from Operations.lean.)
  • Operations.lean includes lemmas on big operations such as finset sum and product. (This is the remainder of Operations.lean, and includes a bit of Real.lean.)

Estimated changes

deleted theorem ENNReal.add_eq_top
deleted theorem ENNReal.add_left_inj
deleted theorem ENNReal.add_lt_top
deleted theorem ENNReal.add_ne_top
deleted theorem ENNReal.add_right_inj
deleted theorem ENNReal.cancel_coe
deleted theorem ENNReal.cancel_of_lt'
deleted theorem ENNReal.cancel_of_lt
deleted theorem ENNReal.cancel_of_ne
deleted theorem ENNReal.coe_smul
deleted theorem ENNReal.coe_sub
added theorem ENNReal.finsetSum_iSup
added theorem ENNReal.iInf_sum
deleted theorem ENNReal.lt_add_right
deleted theorem ENNReal.mem_Iio_self_add
deleted theorem ENNReal.mul_eq_top
deleted theorem ENNReal.mul_le_mul_left
deleted theorem ENNReal.mul_le_mul_right
deleted theorem ENNReal.mul_lt_mul
deleted theorem ENNReal.mul_lt_mul_left
deleted theorem ENNReal.mul_lt_mul_right
deleted theorem ENNReal.mul_lt_top
deleted theorem ENNReal.mul_lt_top_iff
deleted theorem ENNReal.mul_ne_top
deleted theorem ENNReal.mul_pos
deleted theorem ENNReal.mul_pos_iff
deleted theorem ENNReal.mul_top'
deleted theorem ENNReal.mul_top
deleted theorem ENNReal.natCast_sub
deleted theorem ENNReal.not_lt_top
deleted theorem ENNReal.not_lt_zero
deleted theorem ENNReal.pow_eq_top
deleted theorem ENNReal.pow_eq_top_iff
deleted theorem ENNReal.pow_lt_top
deleted theorem ENNReal.pow_ne_top
deleted theorem ENNReal.smul_def
deleted theorem ENNReal.smul_top
deleted theorem ENNReal.sub_eq_of_add_eq
deleted theorem ENNReal.sub_eq_sInf
deleted theorem ENNReal.sub_eq_top_iff
deleted theorem ENNReal.sub_lt_of_sub_lt
deleted theorem ENNReal.sub_ne_top
deleted theorem ENNReal.sub_ne_top_iff
deleted theorem ENNReal.sub_right_inj
deleted theorem ENNReal.sub_sub_cancel
deleted theorem ENNReal.sub_top
deleted theorem ENNReal.toNNReal_add
added theorem ENNReal.toNNReal_prod
added theorem ENNReal.toReal_prod
deleted theorem ENNReal.top_mul'
deleted theorem ENNReal.top_mul
deleted theorem ENNReal.top_mul_top
deleted theorem ENNReal.top_pow
deleted theorem ENNReal.top_sub
deleted theorem ENNReal.top_sub_coe
added theorem ENNReal.add_eq_top
added theorem ENNReal.add_left_inj
added theorem ENNReal.add_lt_top
added theorem ENNReal.add_ne_top
added theorem ENNReal.add_right_inj
added theorem ENNReal.cancel_coe
added theorem ENNReal.cancel_of_lt'
added theorem ENNReal.cancel_of_lt
added theorem ENNReal.cancel_of_ne
added theorem ENNReal.coe_sub
added theorem ENNReal.le_toReal_sub
added theorem ENNReal.lt_add_right
added theorem ENNReal.mul_eq_top
added theorem ENNReal.mul_lt_mul
added theorem ENNReal.mul_lt_top
added theorem ENNReal.mul_lt_top_iff
added theorem ENNReal.mul_ne_top
added theorem ENNReal.mul_pos
added theorem ENNReal.mul_pos_iff
added theorem ENNReal.mul_top'
added theorem ENNReal.mul_top
added theorem ENNReal.natCast_sub
added theorem ENNReal.not_lt_top
added theorem ENNReal.not_lt_zero
added theorem ENNReal.ofReal_sub
added theorem ENNReal.pow_eq_top
added theorem ENNReal.pow_eq_top_iff
added theorem ENNReal.pow_lt_top
added theorem ENNReal.pow_ne_top
added theorem ENNReal.sub_eq_sInf
added theorem ENNReal.sub_eq_top_iff
added theorem ENNReal.sub_ne_top
added theorem ENNReal.sub_ne_top_iff
added theorem ENNReal.sub_right_inj
added theorem ENNReal.sub_sub_cancel
added theorem ENNReal.sub_top
added theorem ENNReal.toNNReal_add
added theorem ENNReal.toReal_le_add'
added theorem ENNReal.toReal_le_add
added theorem ENNReal.top_mul'
added theorem ENNReal.top_mul
added theorem ENNReal.top_mul_top
added theorem ENNReal.top_pow
added theorem ENNReal.top_sub
added theorem ENNReal.top_sub_coe
deleted theorem ENNReal.iInf_sum
deleted theorem ENNReal.le_toReal_sub
deleted theorem ENNReal.ofReal_div_of_pos
deleted theorem ENNReal.ofReal_inv_of_pos
deleted theorem ENNReal.ofReal_sub
deleted theorem ENNReal.smul_toNNReal
deleted theorem ENNReal.toNNReal_div
deleted theorem ENNReal.toNNReal_inv
deleted theorem ENNReal.toNNReal_prod
deleted theorem ENNReal.toReal_div
deleted theorem ENNReal.toReal_inv
deleted theorem ENNReal.toReal_le_add'
deleted theorem ENNReal.toReal_le_add
deleted theorem ENNReal.toReal_prod
deleted theorem ENNReal.toReal_smul
deleted theorem ENNReal.toReal_sub_of_le