Commit 2024-11-25 09:33 a5ae0c1c

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chore: remove the Smooth alias for infinitely differentiable functions between manifolds (#19296) The abbreviation Smooth for ContMDiff with infinite smoothness had been introduced in mathlib in ancient times. This has lead to a big API duplication, for no visible gain. We deprecate this abbreviation (with its friends SmoothAt and so on) and all the lemmas involving it. In the longer run, we might consider reintroducing it as a mere notation (without any specific API), but this is not part of this PR, devoted purely to the deprecation. No mathematical content added.

Estimated changes

deleted theorem Smooth.div₀
deleted theorem Smooth.inv₀
deleted theorem SmoothAt.div₀
deleted theorem SmoothAt.inv₀
deleted theorem SmoothOn.div₀
deleted theorem SmoothOn.inv₀
deleted theorem SmoothOn_inv₀
deleted theorem SmoothWithinAt.div₀
deleted theorem SmoothWithinAt.inv₀
added theorem contMDiffAt_inv₀
added theorem contMDiffOn_inv₀
added theorem contMDiff_inv
deleted theorem smoothAt_inv₀
deleted theorem smooth_inv
added theorem contMDiff_mul
modified theorem contMDiff_mul_left
modified theorem contMDiff_mul_right
added theorem contMDiff_pow
deleted theorem smoothAt_finprod
deleted theorem smoothAt_finset_prod'
deleted theorem smoothAt_finset_prod
deleted theorem smoothOn_finset_prod'
deleted theorem smoothOn_finset_prod
deleted theorem smooth_finprod
deleted theorem smooth_finprod_cond
deleted theorem smooth_finset_prod'
deleted theorem smooth_finset_prod
deleted theorem smooth_mul
deleted theorem smooth_mul_left
deleted theorem smooth_mul_right
deleted theorem smooth_pow
deleted theorem Smooth.comp_smoothOn
deleted theorem Smooth.extend_one
deleted theorem SmoothOn.comp_smooth
deleted theorem contMdiffAt_subtype_iff
deleted theorem smoothAt_const
deleted theorem smoothAt_id
deleted theorem smoothAt_one
deleted theorem smoothOn_const
deleted theorem smoothOn_id
deleted theorem smoothOn_one
deleted theorem smoothWithinAt_const
deleted theorem smoothWithinAt_id
deleted theorem smoothWithinAt_one
deleted theorem smooth_const
deleted theorem smooth_id
deleted theorem smooth_inclusion
deleted theorem smooth_one
deleted theorem smooth_subtype_iff
deleted theorem smooth_subtype_val
deleted theorem ContMDiff.smooth
deleted theorem ContMDiffAt.smoothAt
deleted theorem ContMDiffOn.smoothOn
deleted theorem Smooth.contMDiff
deleted theorem Smooth.smoothAt
deleted theorem SmoothAt.contMDiffAt
deleted theorem SmoothOn.contMDiffOn
modified theorem contMDiffAt_top
modified theorem contMDiffOn_top
modified theorem contMDiff_top
deleted theorem smoothAt_iff_target
deleted theorem smoothOn_iff
deleted theorem smoothOn_iff_target
deleted theorem smoothOn_univ
deleted theorem smoothWithinAt_iff
deleted theorem smoothWithinAt_iff_target
deleted theorem smoothWithinAt_univ
deleted theorem smooth_iff
deleted theorem smooth_iff_target
deleted theorem Smooth.fst
deleted theorem Smooth.snd
deleted theorem SmoothAt.fst
deleted theorem SmoothAt.snd
added theorem contMDiff_prod_assoc
deleted theorem smoothAt_fst
deleted theorem smoothAt_pi_space
deleted theorem smoothAt_prod_iff
deleted theorem smoothAt_snd
deleted theorem smoothOn_fst
deleted theorem smoothOn_pi_space
deleted theorem smoothOn_snd
deleted theorem smoothWithinAt_fst
deleted theorem smoothWithinAt_pi_space
deleted theorem smoothWithinAt_snd
deleted theorem smooth_fst
deleted theorem smooth_pi_space
deleted theorem smooth_prod_assoc
deleted theorem smooth_prod_iff
deleted theorem smooth_snd