Commit 2023-10-29 04:04 a988ad93

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feat: a unique cluster pt of a filter is its limit (#7944) If a filter has a unique cluster point in a compact set, then this point is a limit of the filter. We add four versions of this fact:

  • for a compact set or a compact space;
  • for a ClusterPt and _ ≤ 𝓝 _ or MapClusterPt and Filter.Tendsto _ _ (𝓝 _). Also
  • add isCompact_iff_ultrafilter_le_nhds' that uses s ∈ f instead of ↑f ≤ 𝓟 s;
  • move Ultrafilter.le_nhds_lim to a more appropriate file. Motivated by a lemma in the Mandelbrot set connectedness project. Co-Authored-By: @girving

Estimated changes