Commit 2023-03-30 13:54 ac1e75f5

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refactor: hypothesis naming in custom recursors (#1658) I have renamed hypotheses in WithBot.recBotCoe, WithTop.recTopCoe and Finset.cons_induction on the basis that rather than

cases f₁ using WithBot.recBotCoe with
| h₁ => …
| h₂ f₁ => …

we would prefer to be able to write

cases f₁ using WithBot.recBotCoe with
| bot => …
| coe f₁ => …

and rather than

induction s using cons_induction with
| h₁ => …
| @h₂ c s hc ih => …

we would prefer

induction s using cons_induction with
| empty => …
| @cons c t hc ih => …

I also tidied up some of inf' stuff in Finset.Lattice by using named arguments to specify the dual type instead of @s and _ _ _.

Estimated changes