Commit 2023-11-29 19:54 ae010c18

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chore: introduce notation for AlternatingMap (#8697) Use M [Λ^ι]→ₗ[R] N for AlternatingMap R M N ι, similarly to the existing notation M [Λ^ι]→L[R] N for ContinuousAlternatingMap R M N ι.

Estimated changes

modified theorem AlternatingMap.coeFn_smul
modified theorem AlternatingMap.coe_inj
modified theorem AlternatingMap.coe_neg
modified theorem AlternatingMap.coe_prod
modified theorem AlternatingMap.coe_zero
modified theorem AlternatingMap.congr_arg
modified theorem AlternatingMap.congr_fun
modified theorem AlternatingMap.ext
modified theorem AlternatingMap.ext_iff
modified def
modified theorem AlternatingMap.zero_apply
modified theorem Basis.ext_alternating