Commit 2023-01-31 10:56 ae1428c0

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feat: port GroupTheory.Coset (#1874) porting notes:

  1. I had to add some really ugly type ascriptions so that whnf wouldn't time out. See Zulip
  2. I opted for simp [mul_assoc] since we don't have the group tactic yet.
  3. The library note at the end of the file should be updated.

Estimated changes

added theorem QuotientGroup.eq'
added theorem QuotientGroup.out_eq'
added theorem eq_cosets_of_normal
added def leftCoset
added theorem leftCoset_assoc
added theorem leftCoset_eq_iff
added theorem leftCoset_rightCoset
added theorem mem_leftCoset
added theorem mem_leftCoset_iff
added theorem mem_own_leftCoset
added theorem mem_own_rightCoset
added theorem mem_rightCoset
added theorem mem_rightCoset_iff
added theorem normal_iff_eq_cosets
added theorem normal_of_eq_cosets
added theorem one_leftCoset
added def rightCoset
added theorem rightCoset_assoc
added theorem rightCoset_eq_iff
added theorem rightCoset_one