Commit 2022-11-06 08:14 aff50f9d

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feat: port init/cc_lemmas.lean (#532) I started porting logic/lemmas.lean, but found that I needed cc_lemmas.lean first. Compare to

Estimated changes

added theorem and_eq_of_eq
added theorem and_eq_of_eq_true_left
added theorem false_of_a_eq_not_a
added theorem if_eq_of_eq
added theorem if_eq_of_eq_false
added theorem if_eq_of_eq_true
added theorem iff_eq_of_eq_true_left
added theorem iff_eq_true_of_eq
added theorem imp_eq_of_eq_true_left
added theorem imp_eq_true_of_eq
added theorem ne_of_eq_of_ne
added theorem ne_of_ne_of_eq
added theorem not_eq_of_eq_false
added theorem not_eq_of_eq_true
added theorem or_eq_of_eq
added theorem or_eq_of_eq_false_left
added theorem or_eq_of_eq_true_left
added theorem or_eq_of_eq_true_right