Commit 2023-02-28 21:37 b21620a7

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feat: simps uses fields of parent structures (#2042)

  • initialize_simps_projections now by default generates all projections of all parent structures, and doesn't generate the projections to those parent structures.
  • You can also rename a nested projection directly, without having to specify intermediate parent structures
  • Added the option to turn the default behavior off (done in e.g. TwoPointed) Internal changes:
  • Move most declarations to the Simps namespace, and shorten their names
  • Restructure ParsedProjectionData to avoid the bug reported here (and to another bug where it seemed that the wrong data was inserted in ParsedProjectionData, but it was hard to minimize because of all the crashes). If we manage to fix the bug in that Zulip thread, I'll see if I can track down the other bug in commit 97454284bb94b8aa45df96316731bdf2c04fc3ce

Estimated changes