Commit 2024-11-11 13:54 b407af36

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chore(Algebra/Field): split Subfield.lean into Defs and Basic (#18528) This PR splits off a Defs.lean file from Subfield.lean containing on the definition and field structure of Subfield(Class). This PR was motivated by the "hoard factor" computation that showed increased the factor of Mathlib.Algebra.Order.Field.Subfield by a lot, meaning there are many transitive imports in that file whose declarations remain unused. The previous PR increased it from 0,814203 to 0,828997, this PR reduces it down to 0,784072

Estimated changes

deleted theorem Subfield.coe_add
deleted theorem Subfield.coe_copy
deleted theorem Subfield.coe_div
deleted theorem Subfield.coe_inv
deleted theorem Subfield.coe_mul
deleted theorem Subfield.coe_neg
deleted theorem Subfield.coe_one
deleted theorem Subfield.coe_set_mk
deleted theorem Subfield.coe_sub
deleted theorem Subfield.coe_subtype
deleted theorem Subfield.coe_toSubmonoid
deleted theorem Subfield.coe_toSubring
deleted theorem Subfield.coe_zero
deleted theorem Subfield.copy_eq
deleted theorem Subfield.ext
deleted theorem Subfield.mem_carrier
deleted theorem Subfield.mem_mk
deleted theorem Subfield.mem_toSubmonoid
deleted theorem Subfield.mem_toSubring
deleted theorem Subfield.mk_le_mk
deleted def Subfield.subtype
deleted theorem Subfield.zpow_mem
deleted structure Subfield
deleted theorem SubfieldClass.coe_nnqsmul
deleted theorem SubfieldClass.coe_qsmul
deleted theorem SubfieldClass.coe_ratCast
deleted theorem SubfieldClass.nnqsmul_mem
deleted theorem SubfieldClass.qsmul_mem
deleted theorem SubfieldClass.ratCast_mem
deleted def Subring.toSubfield
added theorem Subfield.coe_add
added theorem Subfield.coe_copy
added theorem Subfield.coe_div
added theorem Subfield.coe_inv
added theorem Subfield.coe_mul
added theorem Subfield.coe_neg
added theorem Subfield.coe_one
added theorem Subfield.coe_set_mk
added theorem Subfield.coe_sub
added theorem Subfield.coe_subtype
added theorem Subfield.coe_toSubring
added theorem Subfield.coe_zero
added theorem Subfield.copy_eq
added theorem Subfield.ext
added theorem Subfield.mem_carrier
added theorem Subfield.mem_mk
added theorem Subfield.mem_toSubring
added theorem Subfield.mk_le_mk
added def Subfield.subtype
added theorem Subfield.zpow_mem
added structure Subfield