Commit 2024-02-12 20:59 b569e065

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feat: introduce IsRelPrime and DecompositionMonoid and refactor (#10327)

  • Introduce typeclass DecompositionMonoid, which says every element in the monoid is primal, i.e., whenever an element divides a product b * c, it can be factored into a product such that the factors divides b and c respectively. A domain is called pre-Schreier if its multiplicative monoid is a decomposition monoid, and these are more general than GCD domains.
  • Show that any GCDMonoid is a DecompositionMonoid. In order for lemmas about DecompositionMonoids to automatically apply to UniqueFactorizationMonoids, we add instances from UniqueFactorizationMonoid α to Nonempty (NormalizedGCDMonoid α) to Nonempty (GCDMonoid α) to DecompositionMonoid α. (Zulip) See the bottom of message for an updated diagram of classes and instances.
  • Introduce binary predicate IsRelPrime which says that the only common divisors of the two elements are units. Replace previous occurrences in mathlib by this predicate.
  • Duplicate all lemmas about IsCoprime in Coprime/Basic (except three lemmas about smul) to IsRelPrime. Due to import constraints, they are spread into three files Algebra/Divisibility/Units (including key lemmas assuming DecompositionMonoid), GroupWithZero/Divisibility, and Coprime/Basic.
  • Show IsCoprime always imply IsRelPrime and is equivalent to it in Bezout rings. To reduce duplication, the definition of Bezout rings and the GCDMonoid instance are moved from RingTheory/Bezout to RingTheory/PrincipalIdealDomain, and some results in PrincipalIdealDomain are generalized to Bezout rings.
  • Remove the recently added file Squarefree/UniqueFactorizationMonoid and place the results appropriately within Squarefree/Basic. All results are generalized to DecompositionMonoid or weaker except the last one. Zulip With this PR, all the following instances (indicated by arrows) now work; this PR fills the central part.
                                                                          EuclideanDomain (bundled)
                                                                              ↙          ↖
                                                                 IsPrincipalIdealRing ← Field (bundled)
                                                                            ↓             ↓
         NormalizationMonoid ←          NormalizedGCDMonoid → GCDMonoid  IsBezout ← ValuationRing ← DiscreteValuationRing
                   ↓                             ↓                 ↘       ↙
Nonempty NormalizationMonoid ← Nonempty NormalizedGCDMonoid →  Nonempty GCDMonoid → IsIntegrallyClosed
                                                 ↑                    ↓
                    WfDvdMonoid ← UniqueFactorizationMonoid → DecompositionMonoid

Estimated changes