Commit 2023-10-29 11:56 b56efa53

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feat(Analysis/Analytic): A few more analyticity lemmas (#7967)

  1. Analytic at a point means analytic in a ball
  2. In addition to AnalyticAt.{smul,mul,pow}, do AnalyticOn.{smul,mul,pow} Also change AnalyticAt.smul and AnalyticAt.pow to use pointwise smul and pow rather than function smul and pow, as I think this is more ergonomic when used in practice (from experience with

Estimated changes

modified theorem AnalyticAt.mul
modified theorem AnalyticAt.pow
modified theorem AnalyticAt.smul
added theorem AnalyticOn.mul
added theorem AnalyticOn.pow
added theorem AnalyticOn.smul