Commit 2022-11-20 07:08 b73d5acd

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feat: port remaining missing Algebra.GroupWithZero.Defs (#563) Tracking mathlib3 sha: 39af7d3bf61a98e928812dbc3e16f4ea8b795ca3 The file had been missing some classes, added those. Apart from adding missing classes, put in docstrings for the module, as well as classes and lemmas that were missing them. Turns out this file doesn't rely on the Logic.Nontrivial import. This file still has AddMonoidWithOne at the bottom of the file -- this is in dat.nat.cast.defs in mathlib3 -- I left it in because it is likely in this file to assist with downstream tactic usage.

Estimated changes

added theorem mul_eq_zero
added theorem mul_eq_zero_comm
added theorem mul_eq_zero_of_left
added theorem mul_eq_zero_of_right
added theorem mul_left_cancel₀
added theorem mul_left_injective₀
added theorem mul_ne_zero_comm
added theorem mul_ne_zero_iff
added theorem mul_right_cancel₀
added theorem mul_right_injective₀
added theorem mul_self_eq_zero
added theorem mul_self_ne_zero
added theorem pullback_nonzero
added theorem zero_eq_mul
added theorem zero_eq_mul_self
added theorem zero_ne_mul_self