Commit 2024-04-05 07:33 bdd38972

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chore: Delete Init.Data.Nat.Bitwise and Init.Data.Int.Bitwise (#11898) The lemmas can easily be moved to Data.Nat.Bits and Data.Int.Bitwise respectively.

Estimated changes

added def Int.bit
added def Int.bitwise
added def Int.bodd
added def Int.div2
added def
added def Int.ldiff
added def Int.lnot
added def Int.lor
added def Int.natBitwise
added def Int.testBit
added def Nat.binaryRec
added theorem Nat.binaryRec_eq
added theorem Nat.binaryRec_zero
added theorem Nat.bit0_val
added theorem Nat.bit1_val
added def Nat.bit
added def Nat.bitCasesOn
added theorem Nat.bit_decomp
added theorem Nat.bit_val
added theorem Nat.bit_zero
added def Nat.bits
added def Nat.bodd
added def Nat.boddDiv2
modified theorem Nat.boddDiv2_eq
added theorem Nat.bodd_add
added theorem Nat.bodd_add_div2
added theorem Nat.bodd_bit
added theorem Nat.bodd_mul
added theorem Nat.bodd_one
added theorem Nat.bodd_succ
added theorem Nat.bodd_two
added theorem Nat.bodd_zero
added def Nat.div2
added theorem Nat.div2_bit
added theorem Nat.div2_one
added theorem Nat.div2_succ
added theorem Nat.div2_two
added theorem Nat.div2_val
added theorem Nat.div2_zero
added def Nat.ldiff
added theorem Nat.mod_two_of_bodd
added def Nat.shiftLeft'
added theorem Nat.shiftLeft'_add
added theorem Nat.shiftLeft'_false
added theorem Nat.shiftLeft'_sub
added theorem Nat.shiftLeft_add
added theorem Nat.shiftLeft_eq'
added theorem Nat.shiftLeft_sub
added theorem Nat.shiftRight_eq
added def Nat.size
added theorem Nat.testBit_bit_succ
added theorem Nat.testBit_bit_zero
deleted def Int.bit
deleted def Int.bitwise
deleted def Int.bodd
deleted def Int.div2
deleted def
deleted def Int.ldiff
deleted def Int.lnot
deleted def Int.lor
deleted def Int.natBitwise
deleted def Int.testBit
deleted def Nat.binaryRec
deleted theorem Nat.binaryRec_decreasing
deleted theorem Nat.binaryRec_eq
deleted theorem Nat.binaryRec_zero
deleted theorem Nat.bit0_val
deleted theorem Nat.bit1_val
deleted def Nat.bit
deleted def Nat.bitCasesOn
deleted theorem Nat.bit_decomp
deleted theorem Nat.bit_val
deleted theorem Nat.bit_zero
deleted def Nat.bits
deleted def Nat.bodd
deleted def Nat.boddDiv2
deleted theorem Nat.bodd_add
deleted theorem Nat.bodd_add_div2
deleted theorem Nat.bodd_bit
deleted theorem Nat.bodd_mul
deleted theorem Nat.bodd_one
deleted theorem Nat.bodd_succ
deleted theorem Nat.bodd_two
deleted theorem Nat.bodd_zero
deleted def Nat.div2
deleted theorem Nat.div2_bit
deleted theorem Nat.div2_one
deleted theorem Nat.div2_succ
deleted theorem Nat.div2_two
deleted theorem Nat.div2_val
deleted theorem Nat.div2_zero
deleted def Nat.ldiff
deleted theorem Nat.mod_two_of_bodd
deleted def Nat.shiftLeft'
deleted theorem Nat.shiftLeft'_add
deleted theorem Nat.shiftLeft'_false
deleted theorem Nat.shiftLeft'_sub
deleted theorem Nat.shiftLeft_add
deleted theorem Nat.shiftLeft_eq'
deleted theorem Nat.shiftLeft_sub
deleted theorem Nat.shiftRight_eq
deleted def Nat.size
deleted theorem Nat.testBit_bit_succ
deleted theorem Nat.testBit_bit_zero