Commit 2024-04-16 12:43 bde5669a

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feat(Probability/Kernel): disintegration of finite kernels (#10603) Let κ : kernel α (β × Ω) be a finite kernel, where Ω is a standard Borel space. Then if α is countable or β has a countably generated σ-algebra (for example if it is standard Borel), then there exists a kernel (α × β) Ω called conditional kernel and denoted by condKernel κ such that κ = fst κ ⊗ₖ condKernel κ. Properties of integrals involving condKernel are collated in the file Integral.lean. The conditional kernel is unique (almost everywhere w.r.t. fst κ): this is proved in the file Unique.lean.

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