Commit 2024-04-23 14:29 bdfbc7fa

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chore: split RingTheory.Nilpotent (#12184) Mathlib.RingTheory.Nilpotent has a few very simple definitions (Mathlib.Data.Nat.Lattice is sufficient to state them), but needs some pretty heavy imports (ideals, linear algebra) towards the end. This change moves the heavier parts into a new file.

Estimated changes

deleted theorem Commute.isNilpotent_add
deleted theorem Commute.isNilpotent_sub
deleted theorem IsNilpotent.eq_zero
deleted theorem
deleted theorem IsNilpotent.map_iff
deleted theorem
deleted theorem IsNilpotent.neg
deleted theorem IsNilpotent.of_pow
deleted theorem IsNilpotent.pow_iff_pos
deleted theorem IsNilpotent.pow_of_pos
deleted theorem IsNilpotent.pow_succ
deleted theorem IsNilpotent.smul
deleted theorem
deleted def IsNilpotent
deleted theorem IsRadical.of_dvd
deleted def IsRadical
deleted theorem Prime.isRadical
deleted theorem isNilpotent_iff_eq_zero
deleted theorem isNilpotent_neg_iff
deleted theorem isNilpotent_sum
deleted theorem isRadical_iff_pow_one_lt
deleted theorem isReduced_iff_pow_one_lt
deleted theorem isReduced_of_injective
deleted theorem mem_nilradical
deleted theorem nilpotencyClass_eq_one
deleted theorem nilpotencyClass_zero
deleted theorem nilpotent_iff_mem_prime
deleted def nilradical
deleted theorem nilradical_eq_sInf
deleted theorem nilradical_eq_zero
deleted theorem nilradical_le_prime
deleted theorem not_isNilpotent_one
deleted theorem pos_nilpotencyClass_iff
deleted theorem pow_nilpotencyClass
deleted theorem pow_pred_nilpotencyClass
deleted theorem zero_isRadical_iff