Commit 2023-09-29 06:57 c0af8b81

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feat: add standard Borel space class (#7243) add a class StandardBorelSpace, whose relationship to PolishSpace is analogous to the relationship between PolishSpace and complete metric space. The usefulness is shown by _root_.MeasurableSet.standardBorel: A measurable subset of a standard Borel space is Polish. Note that a borel measurable subset of a Polish space will not typically be Polish in the induced topology! Specific things done in this PR:

  • added some basic instances for StandardBorelSpace
  • changed theorems with hypotheses [MeasurableSpace X] [TopologicalSpace X] [BorelSpace X] [PolishSpace X] but which do not refer to the topology on X to depend instead on [MeasurableSpace X][StandardBorelSpace X]. These automatically generalize the old theorems thanks to standardBorel_of_polish. I believe this sort of refactoring can be pushed a lot farther in future PRs.

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