Commit 2024-06-25 13:18 c4f1cc8b

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feat(Data/Real/EReal): add simp theorems involving the sum of and x (#14102)

  • Add the theorem top_add_of_ne_bot which states that for any extended real number x which is not , the sum of and x is equal to .
  • Add the theorem add_top_of_ne_bot which states that for any extended real number x which is not , the sum of x and is equal to .
  • Add the theorem add_pos which states that for any two extended real numbers a and b, if both a and b are greater than 0, then their sum is also greater than 0.
  • Add the theorem mul_pos which states that the product of two positive extended real numbers is positive.
  • Add the theorem add_top_iff_ne_bot which states that for any extended real number x, the sum of x and is equal to if and only if x is not .
  • Add the theorem top_add_iff_ne_bot which states that for any extended real number x, the sum of and x is equal to if and only if x is not .

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