Commit 2023-10-27 14:12 c5fe4511

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refactor: introduce the new homology API for homological complex and rename the old one (#7954) This PR renames definitions of the current homology API (adding a ' to homology, cycles, QuasiIso) so as to create space for the development of the new homology API of homological complexes: this PR also contains the new definition of HomologicalComplex.homology which involves the homology theory of short complexes.

Estimated changes

added theorem homology'.condition
added def homology'.congr
added def homology'.desc
added theorem homology'.ext
added def homology'.map
added def homology'.mapIso
added theorem homology'.map_comp
added theorem homology'.map_desc
added theorem homology'.map_id
added def homology'.π
added theorem homology'.π_desc
added theorem homology'.π_map
added theorem homology'.π_map_apply
added def homology'
deleted theorem homology.condition
deleted def homology.congr
deleted def homology.desc
deleted theorem homology.ext
deleted def
deleted def homology.mapIso
deleted theorem homology.map_comp
deleted theorem homology.map_desc
deleted theorem homology.map_id
deleted def homology.π
deleted theorem homology.π_desc
deleted theorem homology.π_map
deleted theorem homology.π_map_apply
deleted def homology
deleted def homologyOfZeroLeft
deleted def homologyOfZeroRight
deleted def homologyZeroZero
added theorem homology'.condition_ι
added def homology'.desc'
added theorem homology'.hom_from_ext
added theorem homology'.hom_to_ext
added def homology'.lift
added theorem homology'.lift_ι
added theorem homology'.map_ι
added def homology'.ι
added def homology'.π'
added theorem homology'.π'_desc'
added theorem homology'.π'_eq_π
added theorem homology'.π'_map
added theorem homology'.π'_ι
deleted theorem homology.condition_ι
deleted theorem homology.condition_π'
deleted def homology.desc'
deleted theorem homology.hom_from_ext
deleted theorem homology.hom_to_ext
deleted def homology.lift
deleted theorem homology.lift_ι
deleted theorem homology.map_ι
deleted def homology.ι
deleted def homology.π'
deleted theorem homology.π'_desc'
deleted theorem homology.π'_eq_π
deleted theorem homology.π'_map
deleted theorem homology.π'_ι