Commit 2024-04-19 08:04 c641f2b9

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chore(Algebra/Parity): Rename some variables (#12260) Rename a bunch of variables in Algebra.Parity as I need a new lemma about a b : α and m n : ℕ but the names were used as m n : α and a b : ℕ.

Estimated changes

modified theorem Dvd.dvd.even
modified theorem Even.add_odd
modified theorem Even.add_one
modified theorem Even.mul_left
modified theorem Even.mul_right
modified theorem Even.odd_add
modified theorem Even.one_add
modified theorem Even.pow_of_ne_zero
modified theorem Even.trans_dvd
modified theorem Odd.add_even
modified theorem Odd.add_odd
modified theorem
modified theorem Odd.mul
modified theorem Odd.neg
modified theorem Odd.pos
modified theorem Odd.pow
modified theorem even_iff_exists_two_mul
modified theorem even_two_mul
modified theorem odd_add_one_self'
modified theorem odd_add_one_self
modified theorem odd_add_self_one'
modified theorem odd_two_mul_add_one
modified theorem one_add_self_self