Commit 2023-02-02 05:17 cc9e72df

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feat: port GroupTheory.QuotientGroup (#1996) porting notes:

  1. near line 595: Lean 4 couldn't find a Setoid instance that Lean 3 found automatically (in part via unification).
  2. near line 654, declaration quotientQuotientEquivQuotient: The ext calls were totally borked, and in the first case even manually applying the ext lemmas didn't work out of the box because Lean couldn't unify the types (this was egregious)

Estimated changes

added theorem QuotientGroup.coe_mk'
added theorem QuotientGroup.congr_mk
added theorem QuotientGroup.ker_mk'
added theorem QuotientGroup.lift_mk'
added theorem QuotientGroup.lift_mk
added theorem QuotientGroup.map_id
added theorem QuotientGroup.map_map
added theorem QuotientGroup.map_mk'
added theorem QuotientGroup.map_mk
added theorem QuotientGroup.mk_div
added theorem QuotientGroup.mk_inv
added theorem QuotientGroup.mk_mul
added theorem QuotientGroup.mk_one
added theorem QuotientGroup.mk_pow
added theorem QuotientGroup.mk_zpow