Commit 2024-02-06 13:53 cea4cc6e

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chore(MetricSpace/HausdorffDistance): split in two (#9809) The file was becoming a bit large (1550 lines). Split in two files of about 900 and 700 lines: the first file contains more basic material, the second file contains all material related to thickenings. Extend the module docstrings by mentioning the main results in this file.

Estimated changes

deleted def Metric.cthickening
deleted theorem Metric.cthickening_empty
deleted theorem Metric.cthickening_mono
deleted theorem Metric.cthickening_union
deleted theorem Metric.cthickening_zero
deleted theorem Metric.diam_thickening_le
deleted theorem Metric.isOpen_thickening
deleted theorem Metric.mem_thickening_iff
deleted def Metric.thickening
deleted theorem Metric.thickening_closure
deleted theorem Metric.thickening_empty
deleted theorem Metric.thickening_iUnion
deleted theorem Metric.thickening_mono
deleted theorem Metric.thickening_union
added theorem Metric.thickening_mono