Commit 2024-05-31 14:33 d0f61917

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feat(NumberTheory/LSeries): Riemann zeta as special case of Hurwitz (#13273) We now have a general treatment of the Hurwitz zeta function. The Riemann zeta is just the Hurwitz zeta for a = 0, and this PR reimplements it as such. I have tried to carry over the align statements from the old treatment wherever possible (many of the intermediate lemmas from the previous iteration don't have direct analogues, but the main results do).

Estimated changes

deleted def RiemannHypothesis
deleted theorem isBigO_zero_zetaKernel₁
deleted theorem isBigO_zero_zetaKernel₂
deleted theorem riemannZeta_four
deleted theorem riemannZeta_one_sub
deleted theorem riemannZeta_residue_one
deleted theorem riemannZeta_two
deleted theorem riemannZeta_two_mul_nat
deleted theorem riemannZeta_zero
deleted def zetaKernel₁
deleted def zetaKernel₂
deleted theorem zetaKernel₂_one_div