Commit 2023-12-08 10:23 d14658b4

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chore: Replace (· op ·) a by (a op ·) (#8843) I used the regex \(\(· (.) ·\) (.)\), replacing with ($2 $1 ·).

Estimated changes

modified theorem Filter.mem_smul_filter
modified theorem Filter.pure_div
modified theorem Filter.pure_mul
modified theorem Filter.pure_smul
modified theorem Filter.pure_vsub
modified theorem Homeomorph.coe_mulLeft
modified theorem Homeomorph.coe_mulRight
modified theorem continuous_div_left'
modified theorem continuous_div_right'
modified theorem isClosedMap_div_left
modified theorem isClosedMap_div_right
modified theorem isClosedMap_mul_left
modified theorem isClosedMap_mul_right
modified theorem isOpenMap_div_left
modified theorem isOpenMap_div_right
modified theorem isOpenMap_mul_left
modified theorem isOpenMap_mul_right
modified theorem map_mul_left_nhds
modified theorem map_mul_left_nhds_one
modified theorem map_mul_right_nhds
modified theorem map_mul_right_nhds_one
modified theorem nhds_translation_mul_inv