Commit 2022-10-24 23:24 d411237a

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chore: capitalise Injective (#501) We had previously been changing mathport output to write Function.injective rather than Function.Injective. At @digama0 pointed out that mathport is capitalising correctly here. This PR re-capitalises Injective, Surjective, Bijective, and Involutive, all in the Function namespace.

Estimated changes

modified theorem div_left_injective
modified theorem div_right_injective
modified theorem inv_injective
modified theorem inv_involutive
modified theorem inv_surjective
modified theorem mul_left_surjective
modified theorem mul_right_surjective
modified theorem Prod.fst_injective
modified theorem Prod.fst_surjective
modified theorem Prod.snd_injective
modified theorem Prod.snd_surjective
modified theorem Prod.swap_bijective
modified theorem Prod.swap_injective
modified theorem Prod.swap_surjective
added theorem
modified theorem Function.cantor_surjective
modified theorem Function.extend_apply
modified theorem Function.extend_comp
deleted theorem Function.injective.dite
deleted theorem Function.injective.eq_iff
deleted theorem
deleted theorem Function.injective.ne_iff
deleted def Function.injective2
modified theorem Function.injective_surj_inv
modified theorem Function.inv_fun_comp
modified theorem Function.inv_fun_surjective
deleted def Function.involutive
modified theorem Function.partial_inv_left
modified theorem Function.surj_inv_eq
modified theorem Function.update_injective