Commit 2024-01-16 07:51 d5ec07c1

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refactor(LinearAlgebra/SesquilinearForm): Sesquilinear Maps (#9312) Some of the concepts in LinearAlgebra/SesquilinearForm can be generalised from Sesquilinear Forms to Sesquilinear Maps with little or no impact on the rest of Mathlib. This PR makes those generalisations. Further generalisations are likely possible, but the scope of this PR is to only consider changes which do not require non-trivial modifications to other parts of Mathlib, or other sections in SesquilinearForm.lean. Further changes can be considered in subsequent PRs if desired.

Estimated changes

modified def LinearMap.IsAlt
modified def LinearMap.IsOrtho
modified def LinearMap.IsOrthoᵢ
modified def LinearMap.IsRefl
modified theorem LinearMap.isOrtho_def
modified theorem LinearMap.isOrtho_flip
modified theorem LinearMap.isOrtho_zero_left
modified theorem LinearMap.isOrthoᵢ_def
modified theorem LinearMap.isOrthoᵢ_flip
modified theorem LinearMap.ortho_smul_left
modified theorem LinearMap.ortho_smul_right