Commit 2024-05-02 13:42 db651742

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chore: move to v4.8.0-rc1 (#12548) This moves Mathlib to v4.8.0-rc1

Estimated changes

deleted theorem Bool.beq_comm
deleted theorem Bool.beq_eq_decide_eq
deleted theorem Bool.coe_iff_coe
deleted theorem Bool.cond_decide
deleted theorem Bool.cond_eq_ite
deleted theorem Bool.cond_not
deleted theorem Bool.decide_and
deleted theorem Bool.decide_coe
deleted theorem Bool.decide_or
deleted theorem Bool.default_bool
deleted theorem Bool.not_eq_not
deleted theorem Bool.not_not_eq
modified theorem Nat.one_lt_succ_succ
deleted theorem Nat.pred_eq_sub_one
modified theorem Nat.pred_eq_succ_iff
modified theorem Nat.rec_add_one
added theorem Nat.rec_one
modified theorem Vector3.append_insert
modified def Vector3.cons
modified def Vector3.consElim
modified theorem Vector3.cons_head_tail
modified def Vector3.head
modified def Vector3.insert
modified theorem Vector3.insert_fs
modified def Vector3.tail
modified theorem and_or_imp
deleted theorem eq_true_eq_id
deleted theorem if_false_left
deleted theorem if_false_right
deleted theorem if_true_left
deleted theorem if_true_right
modified theorem imp_and_neg_imp_iff
modified theorem imp_iff_right_iff
deleted theorem prime_of_prime
added def testConst
deleted def zero