Commit 2024-02-15 20:01 dc082806

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chore(CauSeq): Cleanup (#10530)

  • Rename Data.Real.CauSeq to Algebra.Order.CauSeq.Basic
  • Rename Data.Real.CauSeqCompletion to Algebra.Order.CauSeq.Completion
  • Move the general lemmas about CauSeq from Data.Complex.Exponential to a new file Algebra.Order.CauSeq.BigOperators
  • Move the lemmas mentioning Module from Algebra.BigOperators.Intervals to a new file Algebra.BigOperators.Module
  • Move a few more lemmas to earlier files
  • Deprecate abv_sum_le_sum_abv as it's a duplicate of IsAbsoluteValue.abv_sum

Estimated changes

modified theorem CauSeq.bounded'
modified theorem CauSeq.bounded
modified def CauSeq.const
added theorem IsCauSeq.bounded'
added theorem IsCauSeq.bounded
added theorem IsCauSeq.const
added theorem IsCauSeq.mul
deleted theorem exists_forall_ge_and
added theorem isCauSeq_neg