Commit 2022-12-16 09:48 ddf4802e

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perf: improve to_additive performance (#1060) Using

def Ones : ℕ → Q(Nat)
| 0     => q(1)
| (n+1) => q($(Ones n) + $(Ones n))

The new to_additive takes 45ms on Ones 500 (higher gives stack overflows) The old to_additive takes 13794ms on Ones 17 (exponential in the argument) There is still one issue workaround by using transform in etaExpand.

  • Remove replaceRecM and replaceRecMeta that are exponentially slow
  • Remove replaceRecTraversal because its interface is less convenient than replaceRec

Estimated changes

added def Test.Ones
deleted theorem Test.bar7_works
deleted def Test.foo7
deleted theorem Test.foo7_works