Commit 2024-11-03 19:16 ddfa45d2

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chore(Algebra/Ring/Subsemiring): split Basic.lean (#18519) This PR splits off a Defs.lean file from Subsemiring/Basic.lean containing on the definition and subsemiring structure of Subsemiring(Class).

Estimated changes

deleted def RingHom.domRestrict
deleted def RingHom.eqLocusS
deleted theorem RingHom.eqLocusS_same
deleted theorem RingHom.restrict_apply
deleted theorem Subsemiring.coe_add
deleted theorem Subsemiring.coe_copy
deleted theorem Subsemiring.coe_inf
deleted theorem Subsemiring.coe_mk'
deleted theorem Subsemiring.coe_mul
deleted theorem Subsemiring.coe_one
deleted theorem Subsemiring.coe_pow
deleted theorem Subsemiring.coe_subtype
deleted theorem Subsemiring.coe_top
deleted theorem Subsemiring.coe_zero
deleted theorem Subsemiring.copy_eq
deleted theorem Subsemiring.ext
deleted theorem Subsemiring.mem_carrier
deleted theorem Subsemiring.mem_inf
deleted theorem Subsemiring.mem_mk'
deleted theorem Subsemiring.mem_top
deleted def Subsemiring.subtype
deleted structure Subsemiring
deleted theorem SubsemiringClass.coe_pow
deleted theorem natCast_mem
deleted theorem ofNat_mem