Commit 2022-12-16 12:16 de900e03

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feat: port Data.Set.Intervals.OrderIso (#1067) I am not sure about the names of the last two defs. Almost perfect, capitalization of Icc and friends was wrong and one trivial correction.

Estimated changes

added def OrderIso.IciBot
added def OrderIso.IicTop
added theorem OrderIso.image_Icc
added theorem OrderIso.image_Ici
added theorem OrderIso.image_Ico
added theorem OrderIso.image_Iic
added theorem OrderIso.image_Iio
added theorem OrderIso.image_Ioc
added theorem OrderIso.image_Ioi
added theorem OrderIso.image_Ioo
added theorem OrderIso.preimage_Icc
added theorem OrderIso.preimage_Ici
added theorem OrderIso.preimage_Ico
added theorem OrderIso.preimage_Iic
added theorem OrderIso.preimage_Iio
added theorem OrderIso.preimage_Ioc
added theorem OrderIso.preimage_Ioi
added theorem OrderIso.preimage_Ioo