Commit 2023-03-24 17:26 e7167372

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feat: port Analysis.Convex.Star (#3050)

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Estimated changes

added theorem StarConvex.add
added theorem StarConvex.add_left
added theorem StarConvex.add_right
added theorem StarConvex.affinity
added theorem StarConvex.inter
added theorem StarConvex.mem
added theorem StarConvex.mem_smul
added theorem StarConvex.neg
added theorem
added theorem StarConvex.smul
added theorem StarConvex.smul_mem
added theorem StarConvex.sub'
added theorem StarConvex.sub
added theorem StarConvex.union
added def StarConvex
added theorem starConvex_empty
added theorem starConvex_iff_div
added theorem starConvex_interᵢ
added theorem starConvex_interₛ
added theorem starConvex_pi
added theorem starConvex_singleton
added theorem starConvex_unionᵢ
added theorem starConvex_unionₛ
added theorem starConvex_univ
added theorem starConvex_zero_iff