Commit 2023-06-06 18:52 e77b8f01

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feat: port Data.Set.Ncard (#4591) A port of the newly added ncard file.

Estimated changes

added theorem Set.Infinite.ncard
added theorem Set.exists_smaller_Set
added theorem Set.le_ncard_diff
added theorem Set.map_eq_of_subset
added theorem Set.ncard_coe_Finset
added theorem Set.ncard_congr
added theorem Set.ncard_def
added theorem Set.ncard_diff
added theorem Set.ncard_empty
added theorem Set.ncard_eq_one
added theorem Set.ncard_eq_succ
added theorem Set.ncard_eq_three
added theorem Set.ncard_eq_two
added theorem Set.ncard_eq_zero
added theorem Set.ncard_exchange'
added theorem Set.ncard_exchange
added theorem Set.ncard_image_iff
added theorem Set.ncard_image_le
added theorem Set.ncard_insert_le
added theorem Set.ncard_le_of_subset
added theorem Set.ncard_le_one
added theorem Set.ncard_le_one_iff
added theorem Set.ncard_lt_ncard
added theorem Set.ncard_map
added theorem Set.ncard_mono
added theorem Set.ncard_pair
added theorem Set.ncard_pos
added theorem Set.ncard_singleton
added theorem Set.ncard_strictMono
added theorem Set.ncard_subtype
added theorem Set.ncard_union_eq
added theorem Set.ncard_union_le
added theorem Set.ncard_univ
added theorem Set.one_lt_ncard
added theorem Set.one_lt_ncard_iff
added theorem Set.sep_of_ncard_eq
added theorem Set.two_lt_ncard
added theorem Set.two_lt_ncard_iff