Commit 2023-07-26 10:47 eec218b4

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refactor: split Analysis.Calculus.LocalExtr (#5944) Also make f/f' arguments implicit in all versions of Rolle's Theorem. Fixes #4830

API changes

  • exists_Ioo_extr_on_Icc:
    • generalize from functions f : ℝ → ℝ to functions from a conditionally complete linear order to a linear order.
    • make f implicit;
  • exists_local_extr_Ioo:
    • rename to exists_isLocalExtr_Ioo;
    • generalize as above;
    • make f implicit;
  • exists_isExtrOn_Ioo_of_tendsto, exists_isLocalExtr_Ioo_of_tendsto: new lemmas extracted from the proof of exists_hasDerivAt_eq_zero';
  • exists_hasDerivAt_eq_zero, exists_hasDerivAt_eq_zero': make f and f' implicit;
  • exists_deriv_eq_zero, exists_deriv_eq_zero': make f implicit.

Estimated changes