Commit 2023-06-05 16:53 f08cd344

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feat: port RingTheory.DedekindDomain.Ideal (#4630)

  • An instance from RingTheory.FractionalIdeal was used explicitly so I had to give it a name
  • At three places, an equiv is defined and the lemmas produced by [simps] (or [simps!]) make the simpNF linter very unhappy so I commented out the [simps] and left a porting note

Estimated changes

added theorem FractionalIdeal.inv_eq
added theorem Ideal.dvd_iff_le
added theorem Ideal.gcd_eq_sup
added theorem Ideal.isPrime_of_prime
added theorem Ideal.lcm_eq_inf
added theorem Ideal.pow_le_prime_iff
added theorem Ideal.pow_lt_self
added theorem Ideal.pow_succ_lt_pow
added theorem Ideal.prime_of_isPrime
added theorem Ideal.prod_le_prime
added theorem Ideal.strictAnti_pow
added theorem Ideal.sup_mul_inf
added theorem count_le_of_ideal_ge
added theorem irreducible_pow_sup