Commit 2022-12-18 21:16 f0939b2f

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feat: port (#1088) mathlib3port tracking sha: b3f25363ae62cb169e72cd6b8b1ac97bacf21ca7

Porting notes

  • Moved AddMonoidWithOne and AddGroupWithOne here from their original files.
  • Corrected the name of Pi.Single to Pi.single in Data.Pi.Algebra, on which this depends. (Note: this change was only done in the final two commits, which can be split off into a subsequent PR for a good history if need be.)
  • Replaced explicit data fields by sourcing previously-defined instances where possible, as per this zulip discussion
  • Changed a name: update_eq_div_mulSingle => update_eq_div_mul_mulSingle, as it involves a multiplication of two mulSingles. (Note: the additive version in mathlib is update_eq_sub_add_single, and to_additive "agrees" that update_eq_div_mul_mulSingle is the right name in mathlib4.)

Review questions

  • Are we sure about using instances as sources where possible? Just want to double-check that it won't cause any problems.
  • If so, should the "highest-up" or "lowest-down" instances be used for sourcing when diamonds occur? E.g. Foo extends Bar0, Bar1, and both have relevant instances bar0, bar1. However, Bar1 extends Baz, and we also have a relevant instance baz which suffices for everything not in Bar0. Should the instance for Foo start { bar0, bar1 with ... } or { bar0, baz with ... }? Does it matter?
  • Should the data mul := (· * ·), zero := (0 : ∀ i, f i) remain explicit or be obtained by sourcing Pi.instMul, Pi.instZero respectively?

Estimated changes

added theorem Function.const_eq_one
added theorem Function.const_ne_one
added theorem Function.update_div
added theorem Function.update_inv
added theorem Function.update_mul
added theorem Function.update_one
added def MonoidHom.coeFn
added def MonoidHom.single
added theorem MonoidHom.single_apply
added def MulHom.coeFn
added theorem MulHom.coe_mul
added def MulHom.single
added def OneHom.single
added theorem OneHom.single_apply
added def Pi.constMulHom
added def Pi.evalMonoidHom
added def Pi.evalMulHom
added def Pi.monoidHom
added theorem Pi.monoidHom_injective
added def Pi.mulHom
added theorem Pi.mulHom_injective
added theorem Pi.mulSingle_commute
added theorem Pi.mulSingle_inv
added theorem Pi.mulSingle_mul
added theorem Pi.single_div
added theorem Pi.single_mul
added theorem Set.piecewise_div
added theorem Set.piecewise_inv
added theorem Set.piecewise_mul
added theorem Set.preimage_one